All model parameters below were estimated by Barneche & Allen 2018 Ecology
Letters doi: 10.1111/ele.12947. These parameters are for the best model
(Model 2 in the paper online supplementary material) of fish resting
metabolic rates reported in the paper, which also includes trophic level as
a covariate.
metabolic_rate(temp, troph, asp, B0, m_max, m, a, growth_g_day, f)
- temp
Temperature in degrees Celsius
- troph
Trophic level (from 1 to 5)
- asp
The caudal fin aspect ratio , a proxy for activity level
- B0
Constant for resting metabolic rate. If NA, function will calculate an average.
- m_max
Maximum biomass fish (in g)
- m
Wet weight fish (in g)
- a
Resting metabolic rate mass-scaling exponent
- growth_g_day
Daily growth in grams of wet weight
- f
Activity scope (from 1 to 4)
A dataframe with metabolic rates.
All model parameters below were estimated by
Barneche & Allen 2018 Ecology Letters doi: 10.1111/ele.12947.
These parameters are for the best model
(Model 2 in the paper online supplementary material)
of fish resting metabolic rates reported in the paper,
which also includes trophic level as a covariate.
fishflux::metabolic_rate(temp = 27, m_max = 600, m = 300, asp = 3,
troph = 2, f = 2, growth_g_day = 0.05, B0 = 0.2, a = 0.6 )
#> Total_metabolic_rate_C_g_d Total_metabolic_rate_j_d
#> 1 9.288811 362263.6
#> Resting_metabolic_rate_j_d Cost_growth_j_g
#> 1 181131.8 16.42453