A function to extract specific model output parameters from result

extract(mod, par)



Output from cnp_mod_mcmc()


Character vector specifying which output parameter that should be returned.


Main model output parameters:

  • F0c: C-specific minimal inorganic flux (g/day)

  • F0n: N-specific minimal inorganic flux (g/day)

  • F0p: P-specific minimal inorganic flux (g/day)

  • Gc: Carbon-specific growth rate (g/day)

  • Gn: Nitrogen-specific growth rate (g/day)

  • Gp: Phosphorus-specific growth rate (g/day)

  • Sc: C-specific minimal supply rate (g/day)

  • Sn: N-specific minimal supply rate (g/day)

  • Sp: P-specific minimal supply rate (g/day)

  • Ic: Ingestion rate of C (g/day)

  • In: Ingestion rate of N (g/day)

  • Ip: Ingestion rate of P (g/day)

  • Wc: Egestion rate of C (g/day)

  • Wn: Egestion rate of N (g/day)

  • Wp: Egestion rate of P (g/day)

  • Fc: Total inorganic flux of C (respiration) (g/day)

  • Fn: Total inorganic flux of N (excretion) (g/day)

  • Fp: Total inorganic flux of P (excretion) (g/day)

Returns a data.frame with a summary of the selected output parameters


model <- cnp_model_mcmc(TL = 5:10, param = list(Qc_m = 40, Qn_m = 10, Qp_m = 4))
extract(model, c("Fn","Fp"))
#>   TL      Fn_mean    Fn_median        Fn_sd      Fn_2.5%     Fn_97.5%
#> 1  5 0.0006047886 0.0006047886 6.373602e-12 0.0006047886 0.0006047886
#> 2  6 0.0010610097 0.0010610097 1.019216e-11 0.0010610097 0.0010610097
#> 3  7 0.0017065393 0.0017065393 1.674986e-11 0.0017065393 0.0017065394
#> 4  8 0.0025757605 0.0025757605 2.606714e-11 0.0025757604 0.0025757605
#> 5  9 0.0037034689 0.0037034689 3.741558e-11 0.0037034688 0.0037034690
#> 6 10 0.0051248251 0.0051248251 5.345928e-11 0.0051248250 0.0051248252
#>         Fn_25%       Fn_75%      Fp_mean    Fp_median        Fp_sd      Fp_2.5%
#> 1 0.0006047886 0.0006047886 0.0001097965 0.0001097965 1.850902e-12 0.0001097965
#> 2 0.0010610097 0.0010610097 0.0002186548 0.0002186548 2.971083e-12 0.0002186548
#> 3 0.0017065393 0.0017065394 0.0003815567 0.0003815567 4.874323e-12 0.0003815567
#> 4 0.0025757605 0.0025757605 0.0006096826 0.0006096826 7.607875e-12 0.0006096826
#> 5 0.0037034689 0.0037034689 0.0009143614 0.0009143614 1.089897e-11 0.0009143614
#> 6 0.0051248250 0.0051248251 0.0013070515 0.0013070515 1.561418e-11 0.0013070515
#>       Fp_97.5%       Fp_25%       Fp_75%
#> 1 0.0001097965 0.0001097965 0.0001097965
#> 2 0.0002186548 0.0002186548 0.0002186548
#> 3 0.0003815567 0.0003815567 0.0003815567
#> 4 0.0006096827 0.0006096826 0.0006096826
#> 5 0.0009143614 0.0009143614 0.0009143614
#> 6 0.0013070515 0.0013070515 0.0013070515